by Aeschylus

dir. Zishan Ugurlu


Theodora Papachristofilou Loukas, a founding member and producer of Eclipses, played Clytemnestra and her concerns with personal and transcendental justice with stately, and later – when the husband who murdered her daughter Iphigenia returned – steely determination.
— The National Herard

Could You Please Look Into the Camera - Theodora P Loukas.jpg

“Could You Please Look Into the Camera”

by Mohammad Al Attar

dir. Aktina Stathaki

Between the Seas Festival at Theaterlab

“Noura (filmmaker) is played by Greek-born actress Theodora Loukas with sensitivity and vulnerability. In a constant state of powerless reaction, she reflects the rest of humanity. Through Loukas’ delicate artistry, Noura gives the audience a voice in this conversation. She embodies the awkward embarrassment we feel for having never endured such torture while trying to relate to people who have.”
— Heather Anne Chamberlain for StageBuddy

Gabby Awards 2018 | Carnegie Hall


“I received this note from a woman who attended the Gabby Awards at Carnegie Hall. She’s referring to the opening”

”At the end of the opening, we were overcome with emotion. We were numb. I looked around and saw everyone in my row wet with tears. The actors were flawless... they had become all of our parents and grandparents and the Greek America Foundation honored ALL of their journeys. We couldn’t even applaud when it was over. We were numb. The immigrants joined us in the audience... as new Americans. They had become us. Your singers’ voices were hauntingly beautiful and the band sounded as if they were Carnegie Hall regulars. Bravo to everyone involved for what I consider to be the most monumental night in my Greek American existence.”
— Gregory Pappas - The Pappas Post

Babies are Brought

by The Stork

by Reppas & Papathanasiou

dir. Ioanna Katsarou

The lovely couple, played by Theodora Loukas and Christos Alexandridis, are true humanitarians who risk their own lives by offering him sanctuary, they are perpetually unable to take care of themselves.
— Erika Usui - Queens Chronicle

In Chorus

by Dimitris Dimitriadis

translation: Theodora P Loukas

dir. Ioanna Katsarou


The Greek Play Project New York, a two-day theatrical staged reading of contemporary Greek works at New York University. An extremely important initiative for the promotion of contemporary Greek drama.

In Chorus by Dimitris Dimitriadis -
Translated by Theodora Papachristofilou-Loukas

Fifteen representatives of the citizens gather outside the palace. The authorities asked them to come for an unknown to them reason. Time passes but no one shows up from the palace. They gradually realize that the palace is empty. Why did their leaders abandon them? Where are the gods? Who will take action on the project now? The play transforms the stage of an ancient Greek theater in the political landscape of our times. The citizens of the Chorus must find a new identity and a new destiny for themselves.
— Press Release

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